Benefits of Having Ceramic Coating on Cars
Have you ever wondered why people stop noticing your new car a few months down the line? Why does your brand new car start ageing a few months later? You start questioning your decision of investing in such an expensive car.
First of all, cars are machines, not wine. They’ll age as they do but you can slow the ageing process and retain the shine and stardom of your machine for longer. Ceramic Coating is the new age solution to these universal problems. The finest gift of nano-technology to humans.
Now you must be wondering, ‘why should I spend three times more on the ceramic coating when I am getting a satisfactory result with wax’s. Now the answer lies in your question itself. Ceramic Coating gives more than just satisfactory results for way longer than wax. That is why more people are switching to Ceramic Coating these days. Let’s get into the nano-details and discover why giving your car ceramic treatment is important.
A Sacrificial Layer of Protection for Your Car.
It’s the formulation of Ceramic Coating that makes it the most effective protective barrier for the surface of your cars. Ceramic coating (also known as nano-coating) uses the ‘science of small’ aka Nanotechnology, which means it’s made of tiny (nano) particles of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) or Silica.
The painted surface is porous in nature therefore making room for water, dirt, UV rays and air to make a home. This gradually deteriorates the outer surface over the years. Now here comes the role of Ceramic Coating. Once the coating is applied to the painted surface, nano-particles fill these pores and form a sacrificial layer over the painted surface leaving no space for contaminants to damage the surface.
So what happens after that? Your car becomes:
Hydrophobic to liquids
Resistant to swirl marks and marrings
Resistant to oxidation due to UV rays
Resistant to chemicals and other natural contaminants
The Perfect Glaze Enhancement Formula
It’s impossible to retain the showroom shine of a car for long. It’s the biggest misconception that Ceramic Coating creates a glossy layer over the painted surface. It enhances the original state of the surface and keeps it as is for years due to its strong bond with the surface. That is why the surface must be corrected by a professional detailer before the ceramic coating is applied. However, once the ceramic coating is done, you free yourself from monthly visits to the detailer.
Ceramic Coatings Last Longer than Regular Protective Coatings
Unlike wax or paint sealants Ceramic Coatings last for years and retain the original state of the factory surface. Probably this is why ceramic coating has become so popular amongst car owners.
It cuts the hassle of regular visits to the detailers saving not only your time and energy but also money. Even though Ceramic Coating is the new technology in the market, yet it has become the primary choice of millions of car owners. Since the problem is tackled at a nano-level, leaving no pore vacant, Ceramic Coating goes a long way.
Washing Becomes Easier
If you procrastinate washing your car a lot but like it slick shiny always then Ceramic Coating is for you. Its water-repelling, UV safe and other big deal properties make car washing a matter of a few minutes because dirt and grime feel so helpless against ceramic coating. Bird droppings, tree sap and other environmental contaminants can be wiped off easily with a microfibre cloth. It takes only a few minutes and Two Bucket method to get that showroom gloss for your car with Ceramic Coating.
Keep Your Machine Beautiful Inside and Out
Do you know what fascinates us the most about ceramic coatings? Their versatility. These are not only meant to enhance the paint surfaces but also glass, fabric, plastic, aluminium and chrome surfaces. The formulation is different for different surfaces, though. Liquid slides off the surface, stains don’t stay, UV rays don’t kill the shine and dirt, what’s that?
Trust us, nano-coatings have saved so many friendships and relationships that would end for the tiniest reasons such as coffee spilling all over the dashboard or staining of seats.
Total Value for Money
It might sound expensive when you hear the cost for the first time but basic maths is all it takes to understand the paybacks of investing in Ceramic Coating. Calculate the amount of money that you spend on regular detailing and waxing for 3 years and compare it with the cost of ceramic coating.
Ceramic coating is definitely a smart move that you’ll make.